Use the filters below to show only certain data points.
Note that our database is built from about 100 farms, and if you select many filters
at once, you may end up with very few or no data points to display.
Click on map locations for more info.
Actual locations have been obscured to protect landowner's privacy.
Soil texture
Prior crop
Tillage type
Seeding method
Cover crop species
When you check more than one species, all selected cover crops planted at that time
will show on the graph.
For example if you select 'barley' and 'red clover' then only fields where both
barley and red clover are present are shown.
Cases when barley was planted alone will be filtered out.
Other species may be present but the field will contain both barley and red clover
If no points are displayed on the graph then no participating farmer planted that
combination of cover crops.
Manure applied prior to cover crop
Manure applied post cover crop establishment
Filter for points with photos
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